This week’s newsletter is going to be shorter than usual. I’ve been swamped all week, putting-in more than 60 hours getting this Kindle eBook’s manuscript and cover edited, formatted, and uploaded into Amazon.
As a result, I didn’t have time to research and produce my next podcast for chapter three. I’ll resume the podcasts next Friday.
Birth Pangs of the End Times: Casting the Devil Down
This is essentially the same as Book 1, Birth Pangs of the Coming Age that most of you already read on Substack. I changed the eBook’s title slightly to optimize the title’s keywords.
This is the first book in my Positive Apocalypse trilogy. It covers the time from now until the beginning of the great tribulation. As the book's subtitle suggests, it concludes when the Devil, the great red dragon of Revelation 12, is cast down to earth.
One of the things that makes this book different is that it pulls back the curtain on God's heavenly court, revealing why the Devil will be cast down from heaven to earth, and the critical role we disciples play in the court's 6000-year decision process.
I’ve had many requests to publish my trilogy in eBook, paperback, audible, and hardcover formats, so this eBook is the beginning of that effort.
I spent three days doing a detailed edit this week. During this effort, I was surprised to feel a lot of strong emotions as I read it. I actually got ‘choked up.’ I think it’s really good, and I’m proud of it.
Book Cover Reveal
Last week I emailed a survey to get your input on which of three cover designs to use on my upcoming book. As you can see in the pie chart, ‘A Storm Brewing’ got almost half the votes, so it’s the people’s choice. It’s the image at the top of this newsletter. I want to thank all the people who gave me their opinion. I appreciate it.
Note: You’ll notice that there are four options shown, not three. This is because I replaced the ‘World Catching Fire’ with ‘the Journey’ after the first day. Here’s why:
One of my subscribers (thanks Melinda) informed me the ‘World Catching Fire’ image was already being used by celebrity Paul Begley on one of his books. (That’s the chance you take when using stock images.) The winning image is original artwork, so there won’t be any chance of being the same as someone else’s.
There was still plenty of time remaining for the survey, so I pulled a switcheroo and used ‘The Journey’ in its place.
Here’s a link to the survey if anyone wants to see what the options were.
eBook Launch Plan
Last week I said that between Christmas and New Years I'll be launching my eBook entitled Birth Pangs of the End Time: Casting the Devil Down. Here’s the plan:
On December 26th I’ll send you a prompt to buy it for $1.99, and I’ll send the prompt again a couple more times during launch week. I rarely send more than one email a week, so hopefully people will allow me to pester them for one week. It’s for a good cause :)
Note: I recently said I’d sell this book for 99 cents during launch week, but the epub file was slightly over 3MB, so Amazon’s minimum sales price went up to $1.99.
After New Years the price will go up and I’ll go back to my once-per-week email schedule.
I've assembled a launch team of enthusiastic volunteers who’re going to help me make this book an Amazon Best Seller in one of its three Amazon categories, or sub-genres.
Assuming Amazon places the book in the categories I selected, the magic number is 40. So, if we sell more than 40 eBooks in one week:
It’ll be #1 in that category
It will earn a Best Seller badge
and, I can advertise it as an Amazon Best Seller in the future.
Following the eBook's launch on Christmas, my plan is to sell it exclusively on Amazon for 90 days, then transition to other platforms, including my Stand In Faith website, to maximize its reach globally.
Speaking of global, in the near future I’ll research AI translation options, to translate it into Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, Russian, and Japanese, etc.
Until next week, God bless you…
How exciting!
Wow! You have been hard at work, my friend. I look forward to this new book.